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Services Ads online Booking

Why Services?

Advertisements are announcements for people to know about companies or institutions offering services as needed by people around. Certainly, one of the most common ads booked is that of courier services ad in newspaper. By booking this ad through, you will get to experience a wider reach as the booking experts will advise on the kind of newspaper that is best suited for displaying advertisement. In fact, it is an essential service that its owners would like to inform people about. This makes us serve you with excellence by booking such ads with renowned newspapers; be it in English or Hindi.

Not just experts in booking specific advertisements; our consulting experts are proficient in guiding people for booking different kinds of ads through us. Detective services, marketing services, electronic services as well as health and beauty services are some of the excellencies we serve in. In fact, aspirant ad givers can come to us for discussing their requirements and we will guide them to methodic representation of their advertisement in a concerned newspaper.

Apart from the above mentioned, we also offer ad booking services in interior decoration, vastu shastra, security systems, and waterproofing. By serving every requirement in booking extensive advertisements, we charge reasonable rates that can fit into any budget and result in quality output. We plan every ad display after being booked to give maximum results to our customers for maintaining a long lasting business relationship.

How to Book Services Ad Online for Newspaper?

Classified Text Ads: Text ads, also known as run on line (ROL) ads are the simplest form of advertising in the Services section. But you can enhance your Services ad by background color, screen border and you can bold your text. Publications calculate on the basis of number of words, and number of lines used in the matter.

Classified Display Ads: Classified Display is more impressive and grabs the maximum attention. Publications charged/calculated on the basis of per square centimeter.

How to book newspaper ad for Services online ?

1) Select newspaper and ad type (text or classified display) then location.
2) Select package, compose ad and check the preview.
3) Choose publishing date and make payment online to complete booking of ad.

