How is Ads Lagao making advertisement booking in Sakal easier than ever?
You can book a Sakal newspaper advertisement now without breaking a sweat. Sit at home on your favorite couch and book your advertisement using the Ads Lagao online advertisement booking site.
You can choose your category, pick your Sakal newspaper advertisement type, upload your content and design, pay online and get your confirmation from the Ads Lagao website in less than 10 minutes.
To start the booking process, you need to choose between the Sakal advertisements classified sections –
Classified Text Ads: These are simple run-on text ads that are cost-effective. Sakal classified rates make it possible for any advertiser to customize their simple text ads with borders, background colors, and bullets for increasing visibility.
Classified Display Ads: These can include logos and images. All classified display ads are charged on the basis of the area occupied. You can send your own design in PDF, EPS or JPEG formats.
Display Ads: These may be costly, but these are highly visible. You can enjoy extended creative opportunities while designing and booking your Sakal display Ad.
To complete your Sakal newspaper advertisement booking process, you can now follow these 3 steps –
Choose your advertisement type – pick any type of ad like property, tender, and notice, matrimonial and obituary.
Create your own advertisement online or send us a copy of your design in a supported format.
Choose your preferred release date and publication centers for your advertisement.
Paying for your Sakal newspaper advertisement booking is just as easy. Choose between online and offline payment options. Online options are all SSL encrypted and include credit/debit card and NEFT payment options. Offline options include cheque payment, demand draft, cash collection and cash deposit.
Once the payment goes through, you will receive a digital copy of your invoice containing all your Sakal newspaper advertisement booking details.