What do you need to know about Sangbad Pratidin newspaper before booking an advertisement?
You can now book your very own spot in the Sangbad Pratidin newspaper, without leaving the comforts of your home or the paperwork of your office. Ads Lagao provides the complete details of the Sangbad Pratidin advertisement booking process needed for a winning campaign. We can help you find a great placement in the main Sangbad Pratidin newspaper with a short notice. Our ad booking process also supports last minute alternations, since we understand the need for a growing business just like ours.
How to book Sangbad Pratidin advertisement without stepping out of home/office?
These are the 3-step of ad booking process –
Select your Sangbad Pratidin advertisement category (Classified Text, Classified Display Ad or Display Ad). Select your subcategory.
Choose the location where you want to show your Sangbad Pratidin ads.
Send your advertisement content in a supported format. You can also compose your ad using our template. Our team can help you create your ad as well.
Select your preferred date of publication and proceed to payment.
The payments section contains all our online booking ad rates Sangbad Pratidin. Once you complete your payment via online or offline methods, you will receive an updated invoice containing all details